Monica Healey

Chief Compliance Officer

A dedicated member of the Opengate team for over 40 years, Monica serves as the agency’s chief compliance officer. She joined Opengate in 1982 to develop the recreation department. Since then, she has held many roles with the organization, including recreation director, residential director, coordinator of consumer programs, and senior corporate compliance specialist. 

During her tenure at Opengate, Monica has had the opportunity to work with Opengate’s outgoing CEO, Brian Hulten, as well as Opengate’s current CEO, Chris Laubis, on the oversight and expansion of Opengate’s programs.

As chief compliance officer, she is responsible for everything related to agency compliance and maintaining its certifications through the state and federal government, with the goal of providing quality services to the extraordinary people supported. She handles the implementation of policies and procedures throughout the organization. 

Monica’s years of experience with the people supported at Opengate, and the relationships she has built with their families and the Opengate team, help her succeed in this important role.